Conditions: It was a dark and dry start and lightened up about fifteen minutes into the beatdown. It was a cold feel due to 14 mile/hr winds with a temperature of 42 degrees.
The beatdown started promptly at 0630. The disclaimer was stated and all who posted agreed to the terms of the disclaimer with an AYE!
Warm-a-Rama: The warm-up began with a mosey from the invisible shovel flag to the stage about a quarter mile. Warm-up exercises were performed for 15 reps in cadence and included the following exercises in quick succession:
Side Straddle Hops
Mountain Climbers
Imperial Walkers
Plank Jacks
Monkey Humpers
Werkins (wide Merkins)
Abe Pagodas
Shoulder Taps
Side Lunges
“Thang:” The workout was a five round workout with five exercises with progression into more difficult and more intense variations of the base round of exercises. The workout was done AMRAP for 40 seconds with a 10 second rest between each exercise and 20 second rest between rounds for the first three rounds, then progressed to AMRAP for 40 seconds with a 20 second rest between exercises and 40 second rest between the fourth and fifth round, as time allowed for increased recovery time. The rounds and exercises are as follow:
Round 1:
Air Squats
Forward or Back Lunges
Mountain Climbers
Round 2: (Isometric focus for first three exercises)
Squat Hold
1/2 way Merkin Hold
2″ Lunge Hold (flapjack at 20 second mark)
Feet Elevated Mountain Climber
Single Leg Burpee (flapjack legs for next round)
Round 3: (Eccentric focus for first three exercises)
1, 2 and 3 Squat (“down slow for three second count”)
1, 2 and 3 Merkin (” “)
1, 2, and 3 Lunge (” “) (flapjack at 20 second mark)
Semi Circle Mountain Climber
Opposite Single Leg Burpee (use leg not used in last round)
Round 4:
180 Degree Squat Jumps
Walking Merkins (2 to the Right, then 2 to the Left)
In and Out Lunge (hold lunge position and hop front leg to left and right) (flapjack at 20 second mark)
Merkin Mountain Climbers (perform Merkins while doing mountain climbers)
Single Arm Burpee (flapjack to other arm at 20 second mark)
Round 5: Plyometric
Squat Jumps onto the stage
Merkin Jacks (Plank Jack with Merkin added)
Bonnie Blairs
Straight Leg Mountain Climbers (wider base of support is ideal)
Circle Burpees (x 1 minute)
Mary: Dealers Choice
Prom Dates x10 reps in cadence
Heels to Heaven x10 reps
LBC’s x10 reps in cadence
Table Top Peter Parkers (support body weight with hands/arms with legs and feet together and knees elevated off of the ground) x10 reps each side
Mosey back to invisible shovel flag.
Bonus: Flexibility Exercises
Four Deep breaths in and out while standing with soft bend in hips and knees and reaching overhead with every inhale and returning arms down with every exhale.
Shoulder Width Hamstring Stretch x10 seconds -> Right Hamstring Stretch x10 seconds -> Left Hamstring Stretch x10 seconds.
Hip Flexor Stretch Series: Hip Flexor stretch with front leg bent to 90 degrees, back leg straight, one hand on thigh and other on inside of front foot x10 seconds -> maintain position and lift trunk straight up to deeply stretch hamstring x10 seconds -> Angle Pose x10 seconds (YouTube this). Flapjack and performed on other side.
Calf Stretch x10 seconds each leg.
Count-a-Rama: 4
Prayers for health for all who posted, brothers who didn’t post, respective friends and families and the entire country. Prayers of wisdom for our leaders to respect and honor what it means to be free (Who do we get our authority from? – question proposed by Uptown Girl… I know where my authority comes from), I, Dynamite, shared a story of a prayer that was answered in less than 24 hours, where I put myself last and just gave great praise to God as evidence of His active hand in my life, His sovereignty, and true testament to the fact that in life we all play a role in His greater purpose and plan. I also prayed for everyone who is panic stricken and referenced Phil 4: 4-8 and asked God to remind all that we are anxious for nothing.
F3 Shared Leadership has proposed options for acceleration toward all three F’s in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Options include use of Zoom for streaming a live beatdown to satisfy the first F, as well as, use of Zoom for Q-Source to satisfy the second F. Uptown will be Q-ing a live Prayer Session on Sunday’s at Bethany Church at 0700 to satisfy the third F. I’ll encourage that if anyone of you brothers has a need to satisfy one or all three F’s, please don’t hesitate to reach out and we will rise and respond to that need. The beauty of a brotherhood is that distance can never keep us apart!
I, Dynamite, have elected to step up to temporarily be site Q at The Bee Hive in Mani’s absence until COVID-19 calms down and he is ready to assume the role of being a fearless leader for us at The Bee Hive. I will continue Q-ing, but anyone who wants Q at The Bee Hive is welcome to. Just let me and Flame know so that can be updated on the calendar, F3 FB page and F3 LV site.
Q-Source followed at The Bee Hive, led by Uptown Girl via Zoom, on the topic of “M.”
Thank you all that posted in person and virtually to Flame’s Grease Monkey Garage beatdown this morning. It’s always my honor to bring an intense workout to all of you and help you accelerate in the first F. Keep accelerating and if there is anyway I can serve you, Yo Aqui (I’m here… I’m teaching myself Spanish and want to practice). Please reach out and I’ll be prepared to serve you. God bless you all! I love you, brothers!