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In the picture is our first exposure to the phenom known as X-Man. We found him at a men’s conference pushing the Big Ball.

Four men started with a pre-workout Ruck achieving 3.4 miles. I encourage you to join us for the ruck. It is a great way to warm up for the bootcamp workout and you get extra credit for doubling down.

Twelve men showed for the bootcamp workout. Today we will focus on form. I see a bunch of effort put into ineffective exercise repetitions. What I mean is if you only go half way up or down on a Merkin, you only  get half the benefit of full extension. I’m not saying you must be perfect instead i am attempting to show you the opportunity to get more out of each repetition. It works.


At one end of the parking lot:

Mosey to the next rally point. Runners follow the Q, 0.0 instructed to walk to the rally point.

The THANG – Focus on Form

  1. Squats x 15 oyo
    1. keep knees behind toes
    2. sit back engaging core
    3. squat until thigh is parallel to the Big Ball
  2. Merkins x 10 oyo
    1. Start in up position
    2. Bend until the upper arm is parallel to the Big Ball
    3. Keep body and legs in a straight line at all times
  3. Pull ups x 8 oyo
    1. Grips
      1. Over hand pull up
      2. Under hand chin up
      3. Alternating
    2. Body Position
      1. Keep in a straight line for tradition form
      2. Kipping if crossfit is your fancy

Mosey to the basketball court

  1. Lunge Walk
    1. Protect the knee by not allowing it to go past the toes
    2. Big step forward and lower back leg until knee touches the ground
  2. Ranger Merkins
    1. Elbows are tucked in
    2. Upper arm should get parallel to the Big Ball at the bottom of the rep
    3. Full arm extension at the top of the Merkin
  3. Side Lunges
    1. Protect the knee – keep it in line with the foot and hip.
    2. Big side step lunging with the lead foot
    3. Lag leg should be straight

Mosey to the Pavilion

  1. Calf Raises
    1. Use full extension at top and bottom
  2. Step Ups
    1. Keep knee safe
    2. Full leg extension at the top
    3. Touch both feet at the top and the bottom
  3. Irkins
    1. Upper arm should become parallel to the Big Ball in down position
  4. Dips
    1. Try to touch your butt to the ground at the bottom
    2. Extend arms completely straight at the top
    3. Legs should be straight. modification is bent legs

Pick Up The Six Run back to the Shovel Flag

  1. Pax sprints to the next turn around, which is picked by the Lead Dog
  2. Jogs back to the six for a Hand Slap
  3. Repeato until reaching the Shovel Flag


  1. American Hammers
    1. Feet off the ground
    2. Back Straight
    3. Core engaged
    4. Touch outside hand to the ground
  2. Big Boy Situps
    1. Arms crossed in front with hands on shoulders
    2. At the top elbows touch the knee
  3. WW1 Sit Ups
    1. Full extension at the bottom
    2. Reach a little farther on each repetition


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