The PAX gathered at the Swamp to focus on failure. this was a recurring theme in the exercises and mumblechatter
Mosey, Grass pickers, Abe Vagodas, squats, SSHs, monkey humpers.
Leaping bounds for 100 yards, buttkickers 50 yards and high knees for 50 yards
The Thang
Mosey to jungle gym for failurepullups. Each member called out an exercise for the PAX to do while that person did pullups to failure. PAX did burbees, side planks, dry docks, squats amd plank jacks.
Mosey for almost half mile. Each membwr did pushups till failure while PaX did other exercise including WWI sit-ups, planks, squats, and more.
Mosey to pavilion wall for people’s chair and a series of arm raises, lifts and flys followed by star jacks and donkey kicks.
Mosey to shovel flag for Mary, anouncements and COT.
Praises from PAX for good economy and prayers for Knievel’s situation.