Temps in the low 40s and damp.
4 PAX posted to the Grill for our first post-anniversary workout. The rest of the PAX must be still recovering.
The disclaimer was given and accepted.
Our thought for the day came from a quote that stood out to me from the recent on-line “Fight” devotional some the LV PAX were doing together — “A man’s greatest fear is failure, and his greatest pain is regret.” We didn’t have too much failure during this workout and YHC can only hope that the missing PAX had a least some small pang of regret. However, we had some good mumblechatter on this topic throughout the workout.
Warm-a-rama: mosey to tennis court; Arm Circles, Sun Gods, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Plank Jacks, Peter Parker, Motivators (5 to 1), High Knees, and Butt Kickers
The Thang:
Red Barchetta:
- 100-yard dash/100 SSH; return to start and plank for the 6
- 75-yard dash/75 Mountain Climbers; return to start and plank
- 50-yard dash/50 LBC; return to start and plank
- 25-yard dash/25 Merkins; return to start and plank
- 10-yard dash/10 Burpee; return to start and plank (bonus: alligator crawl back to start)
Morning Call – all in push-up position; in turn each PAX counts off 5 pull-ups; others do push-up when called; continue holding push-up position until all have completed pull-ups
20 Imperial Walkers (IC)
20 Dips (IC)
Zombie Walk/mosey to band stand
People’s Chair
Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Mountain Climber/Pickle Pusher combo, 6 inches/American Hammer combo, Slow Freddie Mercuries, LBCs, Reverse Crunches, Partner assisted push-downs (straight and side to side), WWI
COT: Prayers for wisdom as we juggle responsibilities with work and family