30 degrees, clear
3 PAX arrived at the grill to hear a recitation of Dr. Seuss’s rhyming disclaimer.
Warm-a-rama: run ~ ½ mile lap around the park. Arm Circles, Trunk rolls, Abe Vigoda, Monkey Humpers, Seal Jacks
The Thang:
Exponential Exercise
- Run to playground
- 5 Pullups
- Run halfway to bandstand
- 10 Dips
- Run to bandstand
- 20 Merkins
- Run to playground pavilion
- 40 LBCs
- 80 Squats
Return to playground; repeat 2X
Prior to the last round be took a break by doing 10 Underdogs on the swings
Mary: Dealer’s choice — Freddie Mercury, Duck Walk, Crunchy Frogs, American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, WWIs
COT: Announcements (5K opportunity next Saturday, Maniversery coming up end of March – EH FNGs), Praise/Pray Requests, Count-a-Rama, Name-a-Rama, Prayer — thanks for another beautiful morning to be outside and moving, prayers for men of F3 Hamburg, prayers for wisdom as Mr. Green and Apollo manage their respective businesses.
Following the workout, Beaker and Mr. Green went to Four Twelve where we met up with some Starskys — Ditto and Pocahontas. It was good to catch up with more of the PAX even though they skipped the workout (smart sacking).