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Encouragement from the Sky Q

Today was a particularly difficult day to beat the fartsack.  YHC struggled repeatedly to get out the door and half hoping I was the only PAX to post so I could go home and jump back in bed.  It was a cool 34 degrees with the most amazing view of a crescent moon painted for us by the Sky Q.

Disclaimer – given

Warmarama – SSH, Monkey Humpers, Abe Vagoda, Grass Pickers, Alternating Lunges, Horse Squats, Downward Dog

The Thang

Slow conversational mosey on the outer path around the school (1.8 mile complete loop), then half way around (.7 mile) and back to shovel flag for total of 2.5 miles of running.

Mary  – slow stretches for 10 minutes including forward bend, straddle, left over right, downward dog, sumo squat.

CoT –  We talked about many things today on our 45 minute run.  We talked about even more things in our CoT (25 minutes); which would probably take an hour to write about.  Whether it was family, church, work, or vacation plans we spoke about, the one thing I will remember from my conversation today with Downsize was his statement, “thanks for your encouragement“.  He said this between a silent and reflective pause in response to something I said.  I was taken by surprise because I felt as though I had finished a rant; which wasn’t intended to be encouraging I was just speaking what about the way I see things, but I’m pleased he found encouragement in my perspective.  The Sky Q not only hangs a picture of beauty in the sky for us to enjoy if we wake up early enough, he also puts them in our breath if were willing to be temporarily uncomfortable.

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