Saturday, April 7, 2018
38°F with a stiff breeze
8 PAX posted to the second workout at The Grill. The core principles and mission of F3 were reiterated and the disclaimer given.
Mosey to the tennis court for warm-a-rama: Arm Cirlces, Huggy Bears, Abe Vigoda, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jack, Peter Parker, Best Stretch Ever, Downward Dog calf stretch, Hamstring Stretch, Side Squats
During the warm-a-rama, DRP (Daily Red Pill) was explained. When we take the red pill, we make an intentional choice to do the hard but true actions that will prepare us for making a positive impact rather than the blue pill which is the easy road but leads to a false and superficial life. We need each other to encourage and challenge one another to continue to take the DRP.
Mosey to the middle of the park.
Thang 1:
Charles Bronson: 3 sets of cones (N side of field, ~ 80 yards, S side of field, ~ 10 yards past 2nd set). Start exercise on N side, run/sprint to 2nd set, and crawl to 3rd set; plank for the six and then mosey back to start:
- 50 SSH/ Run / Army Crawl
- 50 Merkins/ Sprint/ Bear Crawl
- 50 Burpees/ Run/ Crawl Bear
- 50 LBCs/ Sprint/ Army Crawl
- 50 Jump Squats/ Run / Bear Crawl
Thang 2:
Mosey to Pavilion by playground.
- 20 Dips
- Morning Call: each PAX does 10 pull-ups or hang for 10 seconds while the rest do ab exercise (American Hammer, 6 Inches, Dr. W’s, WW1 Sit-ups)
- 20 Step-ups per leg
Thang 3:
- Global Warming (hold Al Gore position while shuffle in circle); do 10 staggered Merkins each arm
Mosey to band shell for Mary: Crunchy Frogs, Ski Jumps
We welcomed our FNG into by the brotherhood with the name “Sideline”.
COT: Announcements (Life Choices 5K 21-Apr; Hamburg Spring Cleanup 28-Apr, Fleetwood PAX invite others to join them for a Tough Mudder in May), Praise/Pray Requests, Count-a-Rama, Name-a-Rama, Prayer (Prayers for a young boy, Elijah, in Hamburg who is battling cancer; thanking God for the men who are coming to the new F3 Leigh Valley AO in Hamburg)