Warm Up
3 laps in parking lot
10 arm circles front & back
10 arm twists
10 trunk twists
10 Huggy Bears
10 Knee Rotations each direction
10 Ankle rotations each leg & each direction
10 Slow Merkins
10 Slow Squats
10 Slow Stepping Forward Lunges
10 Slow Side Lunges
Main Work-Out
Easy run to pavilion
3 Rounds Supersets Continuous
6-12 Pull-ups
15 bench/box jumps
Easy run to wall by playground
3 Rounds Supersets Continuous
10 Wall Dry Docks, 10 slow Diamond Merkins, and 15 slow Elbows At Sides Merkins
60 Second Count Wall Sit (last round one leg switch every 30 seconds)-10 sec count per man
Easy run to playground
3 Rounds Supersets (switch partners) Continuous
6-12 Chin-ups
8 Inch Worm Hops
Easy run to football field
100 yard walking lunges (option to lunge backwards at 50 yard line) to top of hill plank to wait for six
Burpee & Crab Cake Decreasing/Increasing Ladder for 7
-At top start with 7 Burpees (Next round decrease 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
-Bear Crawl to bottom or Crab Walk to modify
-1 Crab Cake in cadence (Next round increase to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
-Bear Crawl to top of hill
Easy Run back to playground for Core Work
3 Rounds Continuous
10 Bent Arm Hanging Knee-Ups/Legs Straight/Legs to Bar- Difficulty chosen by each pax individual
30 Second Dead Hang
Rotated one round each of the following at the end of each round: Single-leg Superman Pose 10 second each leg, Single-leg Superman to the Side 10 second each leg, 10 count of Superman/Banana Hold Rotations
Easy run to shovel flag
End with Circle of Trust