Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

DialUp Special

F3 Blast Furnace, Reeves Park, Phoenixville, PA
PAX : 3
Conditions: Cloudy and overcast 41 degrees

Warm-up Stretches
Mosey around Reeves Park (1 loop, 0.5 mi)

Arm circles (Side, front up high above head)
20 – Side Straddle Hops
Imperial walkers with a squat thrust (no merkin)

The Workout – Amphitheater

Repeat 5 times
10 – Merkins (feet flat against wall)
20 – LBCs – Feet against wall and left elbow touches right knee then switch to other side
20 – Step ups on platform wall (right leg then left leg)
Mosey – Around statue each time

Mosey – final lap around Reeves park to flag

Number-ama : 3 / Name-O-Rama / Circle of Trust
Closing Prayer – Prayers for those around the world dealing with the Coronavirus

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