Today in the Phoenixville Gloom the Thursday morning Fab Five (Spike, Dial Up, Tuck, Compass and YHC) were treated to a deck of death brought to you by YHC! I finally caved and shelled out the $25 for an official F3 Workout Deck and was eager to break the cards in. I’ve done many decks of death before with regular cards, but doing the same 4 exercises over again for 45 minutes can get a little old.
This Deck threw everything it had at us and the PAX took it all in stride! Everyone worked hard and sweated hard. We got about 3/4 of the way through the deck before having to call time (ending on 25 burpees).
Lookout for this Deck of Death to return to Phoenixville again soon, but probably on a Saturday next time when we should be able to get through the WHOLE deck.
Always a pleasure and a privilege to lead!