The flatulence was flying and the disclaimer was rhyming. Must have been all that cheap beer we picked up at the beer exchange and consumed to drown our sorrows over The Eagles. (Who brought the Natty Light? Cheap bastard.)
Warm up: IC – SSH, imperial walkers, side lunge, Abe Vigodas, grass pickers. OYO – leg swings, quad stretch, neck rolls, and trunk rolls.
Indian run to pull-up station. Five sets of 3-5 pull-ups each. Low plank, side plank, and back plank between sets. Followed by fast feet (speed ladder drill), and downhill ski ( two-footed line hops).
Three 30-30-30’s up the hill, followed by ab work. IC – 20 American hammers, 20 windshield wipers, 20 half-supermans, and 15 reverse crunches.
Block work: 10 shoulder presses, 10 curls, 10 back rows each side, 10 skull crushers, and 15 bench presses.
Leg work: two footed hops up the stairs, followed by 20 squats, followed by 20 monkey humpers, followed by people’s chair.
COT: NOR, COR, announcements, and prayer requests.