2 PAX for pre-ruck — pace was faster than normal without Hops present to slow us down. Overnight snow and ice didn’t deter
9 PAX from arriving bright, early, and full of energy for an ice bath of sorts. Warmup on the Reeves Park (RP) stage introduced the group to a Circle Burp (burpees with cadence rotating around PAX) before moseying through the ice and snow to the park Flipper dubbed “Da Club” during a prior workout. On the basketball court, we did about every suicide/exercise combination known to mankind…including bear craws, lunge walks, Bobby Hurleys, ascending squat jumps, ascending burpees, ascending merkins, and another new one… the Pacman chase. We returned back to the stage at RP for 6MOM in the ice — exercises included flutters, snow angels, superman swims, to name a few. COT at the flag – thoughts from Hershey around that fact one never really knows the impact that he/she is having on others and while during tough times, “Why did this happen FOR me” rather than “Why did this happen TO me”, keeping in mind others are learning from how you respond and the resilience you display. Prayers and praise – Tuck 2.0 arrived on Wednesday, happy and healthy, Spike’s mom on the mend after a fall, and Flipper for a bounce back of health this week.
- 3/6 (Wednesday) — F3 Wildcat – 0515AM Clem Macrone Park, Villanova
- 3/9 — 0530 AM PreRuck and 0630 Beatdown Reeves Park Phoenixville (SFx on Q – noted above, the pain will be delivered at 630 sharp)
- 3/23 — Team Foster Ruck – VF Park 8 AM in support of Vets PTSD & Service Animals (5m or 10m ruck), LET ME KNOW IF INTERESTED, would love to get 1-2 folks to join me for F3 recruting,
- April 13, 2019 – F3 Princeton “The Rising” West Windsor Community Park – site Q, Dos Equis
- Sly Fox 5k – May 18th 10 AM — Hops, Flipper (did you sign up?), & Boyant committed, any others interested?