Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

Co-Q success

Disclaimer verbalized by Dr. Seuss

Warm-up by Dr. Seuss: IC x 20.  imperial walkers, toy soldiers, Abe Vigodas, grass pickers, WGS, pause squats, Freddie Mercury, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers, goof balls, Merkins, SSH, and monkey humpers.

Pain train to pull-up pavilion.

Pull-up Pavilion led by Knievel: Three rounds of AMRAP pull-ups, 20 dips, and 20 step ups.

Mosey to grass by train tracks.

superman, Merkins and Dry docks IC, led by Shirley.

Mosey to football field. Burpee blitz led by Uptown Girl.  5 burpees every 20 yards, movements between yardage markers were– bear crawl, crab walk, sideways crawl, lunge walk, and alligator crawl.  Return trip included 20 yards butt kickers, 20 yards high knees, 20 yards karaoke, and burpees between movements.

Mosey to shovel flag.

Mary, led by Heisenberg. Exercises included big boys sit-ups, flutter kicks, American hammers, control freak Dolly, wife pleasers, pickle pushers, and Freddie Mercury.

COT: COR, NOR, announcements, prayer requests.

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