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Caution: Speed Humpers Ahead!

After posting at Blast Furnace for over a year, I only recently took notice of the lovely “Speed Hump” signs on both 2nd Ave and 3rd Ave. That morning, following the beatdown, walking over to our onsite Coffeteria spot with Trigger, YHC giggled like a school girl (in a creepy and sinister kinda way) as the idea for Speed Humpers was born. What follows is an account of the first known occurrence of Speed Humping at Reeves Park. No PAX were arrested in the making of this backblast.

With the promise of focusing on legwork, we started out like we do often with and “Easy” Mosey Lap around Reeves Park (1/2 mile), then circled up at the flag to continue the warmup.



Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC

Copperhead Squats x 20 IC

Mountain Climbers x 20 IC

Weed Pickers x 20 IC

Imperial Walkers x 20 IC


Another full lap around Reeves Park, but this time at MAX effort! YHC stayed hot on Flippers heals most of the way and pulled ahead for the win at the end.

Now that our legs were warm it was time for the main event, the debut of Speed Humpers.


The Thang:

We started again with an easy mosey, but quickly stopped so that I could point out the Speed Hump sign at the edge of the park on 3rd Avenue (South side of park). Speed Humpers were then explained and demonstrated: 60 seconds of monkey humpers, not at a slow or medium pace, but at top speed, AMRAP (just like in the bedroom). Continued on to the middle of the western edge of the park (S. Main St) where we stopped for 20 Squats in 4 count cadence. Continued onto the northern edge of the park (2nd Ave), where there is a thoughtfully placed sign warning “Speed Hump Ahead” before you get to the actual “Speed Hump” sign. This gave the PAX a little time to realize what was going to happen before we arrived for our second set of Speed Humpers. Continued on to the middle of the eastern edge of the park (Starr St) for another set of 20 Squats in 4 count cadence. This was the first lap of four. We continued in this same pattern for 3 additional laps that included:


Lap 2:

Speed Humpers

Forward Lunges (20 OYO)

Speed Humpers

Forward Lunges (20 OYO)


Lap 3:

Speed Humpers

Calf Raises (20 in 4 count cadence)

Speed Humpers

Bonnie Blairs (20 OYO)


Lap 4:

Speed Humpers

Calf Raises (20 in 4 count cadence)

Speed Humpers

Bonnie Blairs (20 OYO)


Seemingly every time we did Speed Humpers, we had an audience of some sort. One PAX yelled out to a male passerby “It’s a real exercise, I promise!” As we approached one Speed Hump sign, an older lady was walking her dog toward us. I did not want to cause a cardiac event or have the police called, so we courteously paused to let her pass by first. Well she stopped, for what seemed like a really long time, then thankfully turned around and went the other way…

After 3 miles of moseying, about a thousand Monkey Humpers and a bunch of other leg crushing exercises, we still had time for some Mary, so we circled up at the flag and did just that.



Merkins x 20 OYO (just so no one could say we neglected upper body COMPLETELY)

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC

Dying Cockroaches x 20 IC

WWII Situps x 20 IC

LBCs x 20 IC


Count-a-rama: 11


Name-a-rama: (including Fonda, first F3 Indian Valley PAX to visit another AO outside of The Chieftain)




9 Stayed for onsite coffeteria courtesy of my man Einstein!


Leg work was promised, and legs across the Delaware Valley were sore the whole weekend. Mine still are as I write this 2 days later. Mission Accomplished.

P.S. – Speed Humpers…coming to an Exicon near you!

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