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Carrots, Eggs, and Coffee

Conditions:  32 degrees, windy.

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.  Mosey to shelter.

Theme- adversity is like boiling water.  God allows adversity in our lives to mature us in the ways that He knows we need maturing.  Some guys are like carrots; they need some boiling water to help them become more flexible, less rigid.  So the warm-up focused on flexibility.

Warm-up:  IC – toy soldiers, imperial walkers, grass pickers, Abe Vigodas, SSH, monkey humpers, and goof balls.  OYO: leg swings, trunk rolls, and calf stretch.

1/2 mile Indian run, and 0.0 – plank progression.

The Thang: Some guys are like eggs; they need boiling water to toughen them up.  So The Thang emphasized building muscle.  Partner exercises with two 15 lb dumbbells and a jump rope.  Partner A on the weights, Partner B on the rope.  Two sets of ten reps, flapjack between.  Dumbbell exercises included: thrusters, swings, back flys, chest flys, curls, tricep press, and skull crushers.

Mary:  Some guys are like coffee grounds.  When they encounter adversity (boiling water), they change the substance/circumstances instead of the substance changing them like carrots and eggs.  In James 1: 2-4 we are told to consider it pure joy when we face hardships because they produce perseverance, and when perseverance finishes its work, we become mature.  So the abs exercises were intended to transform us in our core.  Exercises with weights: IC – pistol planks, American hammers, LBCs, half-superman, WWI.  Exercises without weights: J-Lo, windshield wipers, wife pleasers, and hello Dolly.

COT: announcements, prayer requests, BOM, flag picture.


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