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Burpees Deconstructed

F3 Valley Forge, The Blast Furnace
Reeves Park, Phoenixville PA

Saturday 12/28/2019
Q : Winklevoss
Conditions : 33 degrees and extremely foggy!

8 men posted to The Blast Furnace this a.m. for a deconstructed burpee workout.

Warm-up included :
Side Straddle Hops
Grass Pickers
Mountain Climbers

1 mosey lap around the park (0.5 miles)

The Thang :
Met on the baseball diamond for :
first base : 10x squats
second base : 10x squat thrusts
third base : 10x merkins
home plate : 10x Bobby Hurleys
pitcher’s mound : 10x burpees

rinse & repeat x10

some abs and running thrown in for good measure.
total : about 2.5 miles

Final F3 Valley Forge workout of the decade!

COT : Consider where you’ve come in the last year, or the last decade.  See how far you’ve come, and consider what you’ll do in 2020!

New Years Day will be a Ruck in Valley Forge Park starting at 6:30am, meeting at Knox’s Quarters.  6:30-8:30, about 7 miles
Location : Knox’s Quarters Parking, Wayne, PA 19087

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