Big day for Hamburg. Preparations for the Hamburger Festival was in full swing as the sleepy town of Hamburg prepared for a crowd of up to 40,000 people.
The Grill attracted a more modest number of 6 PAX.
YHC had planned to do the Loredo but after hearing the LV guys crying about not being able to sit down after it, I thought better of it considering we wanted to be able to function for the Mule workout on Labor Day.
Warm-a-rama: mosey to the basketball court for SSH, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Best Stretch Ever, Mountain Climbers, Monkey Humpers, mosey back to shovel flag with Butt Kickers, High Knees, and Carioca.
The Thang
1/3 of Loredo: two rounds (instead of the prescribed 6 rounds):
- 24 Squats
- 24 Merkins
- 24 Walking Lunges
- Run lap around field (probably a little less than the prescribed 400 meters)
In honor of Hamburger Days and also strategize for the Grill’s contribution to the Mule, we did a “Burger”
B — Bridge of Hate (we didn’t actually do this but planned it out for the Mule)
U — Up Downs (high knees, on Q’s signal chest to ground and bounce back up) ~ 10 drops
R — Rockanburpees (partner up; low plank facing each other; play rock/paper/scissors, loser does a Burpee, winner or tie does a Merkin) 10 rounds
G — Gwerkin (Parter 1 plank; Partner 2 holds P1’s feet in goblet squat position; Merkin/Goblet Squat X10 then flapjack)
E — El Capitan (Deep walking lunge; both hands go fully to ground in inside front leg) X 10 steps each leg
R — Railroad Tracks (run out ~ 10 yards, plank, next man hurdles and then planks) continue in Indian Run fashion until we reached the playground — ~ 80 yards
At the playground:
- Pullups AMRAP
- Underdogs (10)
- Dips (15 IC)
- Step Ups (15 each leg)
Mosey around the field back to the shovel flag/bandstand
6 MOM: Dealer’s Choice — Reverse Crunches, Partner leg push downs side and forward, American Hammers, 6 Inches, WWI, Heels to Heaven, Freddie Mercury
COT: ~ 7 PAX plan to participate in the Mule workout on Labor Day, Prayers for Pocahontas’s family.
4 PAX jumped in a clown car to go to Four Twelve coffeeteria since we knew streets were already blocked off and parking was scarce. Tuck pulled a starsky and joined us. It was great to see him after his return from his military training exercises.