18 degrees, clear, no wind
YHC arrived at the Grill and began to have that sinking feeling that I would be solo. 7:00 came and went. I was beginning to do stretches and warm up in preparation for a solo run when Mr. Green pulled up a few minutes later followed by Wichita. I had planned an ALARM routine but already had it in my head to run the trail so, being the Q, I exercised my prerogative and changed the plan.
Short warm-a-rama (SSH, Arm Circles) then moseyed to the bridge over the Schuylkill River. 10 Dips IC then Calf stretches, Hamstring stretches, Butt Kickers and High Knees across the bridge.
The Thang:
~ 2 mile run along the river trail. The air was brisk and cold but as the sun came up and we progressed along the trail it became downright comfortable and turned out to be a beautiful morning as we loped along the river and through the woods. We stopped at intervals for exercises which included Diamond Merkins, Squats, Plank Hurdles, Carolina Dry Docks, Flutter Kicks, Step Ups, Lunge Walk, Declined Merkins, and maybe some other stuff. Lots of good mumblechatter along the way.
After crossing back over the bridge, we sprinted to the shovel flag and YHC was left in the dust of Wichita’s long legged stride with Mr. Green close behind him. So, not to be shown up I lead them to the playground for a round of AMRAP of Pullups and Underdogs.
We finished off the workout with Pistol Squats and a round of Mary: Reverse Crunches, Crunchy Frogs (Mr. Green’s current favorite), Dolly, and Alabama Prom Dates.
Mosey back to the shovel flag for COT.
COT: Thanks for Mr. Green’s 2.2’s birthday today, prayers for a classmate of Wichita’s 2.1 who was in a bad car accident and is undergoing surgery and recovery along with his mother.