The Block Party
Seven Pax showed up on time and two were tardy. We start when we start men.
1/2 mile mosey
SSH x 10 ic
Abe Vagodas x 10 ic
Grass Pickers x 10 ic
Peter Parkers x 10 ic
Merkins x 10 ic
Tha Thang part uno
What goes up must come down, in reverse
Lunge to the top, backward lunge to the bottom
Shuffle left up, right down
Shuffle right up, left down
Bear Crawl up, Crawl Bear down
Crab Walk up, Walk Crab down
Mosey to the park for
Tha Thang part deuce
One man at each station, six pull up stations and three swing row stations
Two pull ups and you move one station to the left. Swing Rower moves when relieved until everyone is back at their original station.
People’s Donkey Balls
– One minute People’s Chair, 10 Donkey Kicks and 5 count each Balls to the Wall
Back at park for round two, three pull ups at each station until one round completed.
Long mosey back to the shovel flag for the Block Party.
Block Party
Block Rows two handed x 10 oyo
Single Arm Block Rows x 10 oyo per side
Single arm flys x 10 per side oyo
Two handed overhead press x 10 oyo
Single hand overhead press x 10 oyo per side
LBCs with block x 10 ic
WW1 situps with block x 10 ic
American Hammers with block x 10 ic
Six inches and hold with block on shins x 20 count
Remember to check in on those around you not engaged. Loneliness is a disease and we have an avenue to battle against it. ABH – Always Be Headlocking.