After Q’ing the block-a-rama workout at the Grill last Saturday, YHC decided to take it on the road, loaded up my prius with 9 Concrete Masonry Units (CMU)s, and headed to the Trojan to share the joy of concrete with the Upper Macungie PAX. The prius was riding a bit low and the gas mileage wasn’t quite up to par. Seven PAX initially posted to the workout.
The disclaimer was given and we moseyed off to the end of the road for warm-a-rama: Abe Vigoda, Sun Gods Sobriety Style, Arm Circles Sobriety Style on other leg, Goofballs, Grass Pickers, Carolina Dry Docks, Peter Parker, Plank Jacks
Zena caught up with us during the warm-a-rama so we had one CMU to spare. He entertained us with accounts of his new moonlighting hustle as a stripper, gorilla style. That set the tone for some interesting mumblechatter
The Thang:
Mosey back to shovel flag and grab a CMU coupon.
Flora 1-2-3: Partner up – combined totals of 100 Merkins, 200 LBC, 300 Goblet Squats. P1 10 Derkins on CMU/ P2 hold plank with feet on CMU, flapjack until total is achieved; P1 20 LBC with CMU held on chest/ P2 legs at 6” with CMU held up over chest, flapjack; P1 30 Goblet Squats/ P2 hold Squat position holding CMU, flapjack.
Recovery run around the parking lot loop. Return to shovel flag
10 Blockees (Burpee with CMU – do Merkin on CMU, return to stand and press CMU overhead)
10 Elf on Shelf – on six with CMU beside you, lift CMU high over body and set on the other side
Recovery run around the parking lot loop.
Colt 45 – CMU curls; 15 reps from bottom to ½ way; 15 from ½ way to top; 15 full range
Mary: Dealer’s Choice – several PAX continued the block-a-rama by getting creative with use of the CMUs – Heavy Freddies (Freddie Mercuries holding CMU overhead), Wipers (hold CMU overhead and lower to left and right to work the obliques), WWI holding CMU, Tricep extensions using CMU.
COT: Announcements, Praise/Pray Requests – prayers for Agassi’s upcoming surgery; Congrats to Dr. Seuss on completing his 50th (recorded) workout! Look for a HOF Log coming to a workout near you.