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Conditions: Dawn was upon all the posted PAX this morning. It was a cotton candied colored sky, moderate clouds, no wind, and a temperature of 65 degrees.

Four PAX posted with two FNG’s for Blackhawk’s farewell ruck.

“Thang:” The ruck started promptly at 0530 with the PAX and FNG’s departing from the Bee Hive parking lot trekking east onto PA Ave. All turned south on 12th St, east on Arch St and trekked through the gravel park to 10th St. All rucked west/southwest up 10th St/South Mountain Dr to just past the South Mountain Dog Training facility at the 0600 alarm. A pace of roughly 4mph was set throughout the ruck and PAX and FNG’s broke a sweat. Great mumble chatter was had between all that attended. We all returned to the Bee Hive with 3-4 minutes to spare prior to the start of the beatdown.

Promotionally, G3tth3Ruck0ut will have it’s inaugural ruck on Monday June 8, 2020 at 0600 at American Parkway, starting at Lil Le Hi parking lot. Men and women and kids (able) are encouraged to attend for a workout, but more importantly, joining together in community!


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