Incredible gratitude to a group of men that chose the harder thing this morning! It’s great reminder that pressure is what makes diamonds. 19 degrees this morning to start the pressure at 0530 for Ruck up 10th Street Hill. Some took weight vests and others just carrying more weight than they want. Great mumble chatter about pull-ups, family members, church, intestinal regularity, and the importance of not going at life as a singleton.
0630 – Bootcamp Workout
Disclaimer – not professional, modify as needed, open to all men, rotational leadership, be careful, you accept all risk.
Warmarama – mosey .25 mile to lower parking lot. Circle up SSH, Abe Vagoda, Grass Pickers, Merkins, Mountain climbers slow to fast, Upward Dog, Downward Dog, Peter Parker.
The Thang
Part 1 – The Lorado – 24 reps each merkins, squat, walking lunges. with .10 mile block carry to pavilion. recover with 24 reps merkins, squats, walking lunges.
Part 2 – Meter Made – 10 pull-ups, 15 block burpees, 20 block curls, 25 block thrusters, 30 gas pumpers.
recover with a .15 mile block mosey to football field.
Part 3 – Killer B’s – 10 yard broad jump, 10 burpees, 10 bonnie blair, 10 big boi situps x 3 sets, bear crawl 30 yards to finish.
Part 4 – Pick Your Poison – 50 reps combination x 3 (Set 1 : Squat / Merkin) x (Set 2: OH Press, Lunge Walk) x (Set 3 – Coupon Swings, LBCs)
Part 5 – Extra Credit: Meat Loaf Massacre’s Man Makers x 10 for the Pax who showed up late.
Plank Rotations, One Arm Planks, Peter Parker, Freddie Mercury, One Arm Superman
Praying for Mani’s friend who’s donating his liver this month and his brother who’s receiving it. (John 15-13 – No love greater, than that which lays down his life for his friends.) YHC has a friend who’s wife just had a miscarriage. Continual gratitude and for men who want to have an impact beyond themselves and get better today than they were yesterday. Praise for Mani who’s taking Site Q of Bee Hive so Flame can continue to lead in his D2X as Comz Q. Coffeteria East Penn Dinner for Q-Source – Targeting, Poker Tonight at Dr. Seuss’s house.