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Bear Crawl Beatdown

Conditions: It was a cloudy, windy, but warm start to the beatdown with a temperature of 72 degrees.

9 PAX posted, including one FNG, at the Trojan for the Bear Crawl Beatdown. The beatdown started promptly at 0530 with the disclaimer stated and all posted PAX agreeing to the core values of F3 with an AYE!

Warm-a-Rama: All exercises of the warm-up were performed for 13 reps IC. The exercises are listed below.

    Shoulder Taps
    Side Lunges
    Goof Balls
    Mountain Climbers
    Monkey Humpers
    Peter Parkers
    Squat to Knee Raise

“Thang:” The “Thang” was an eight round  AMRAP Bear Crawl and Squat variation routine, where the Bear Crawl variation was performed for 60 seconds and the Squat variation was performed for 30 seconds with a five second transition period from Bear Crawl to Squat. Each round is listed below.

    Alternating Forward Bear Crawl/Air Squat
    Alternating Backward Bear Crawl/Squat Pulse
    Bear Crawl Peter Parkers/Squat Hold
    Bear Crawl Merkins (hinge forward from Bear Crawl position to Merkin and back to Bear Crawl)/Sumo Squat
    Bear Crawl Parker Peter/Narrow Stance Squat
    Bear Crawl Makhtar N’Diayes/Squat Jump
    Bear Crawl Alabama Ass Kickers (flapjack legs at 30 seconds)/90 Degree Squat Jumps
    Bear Crawl/Broad Jump

Routine 2: Partner routine in the playground using the pull-up bars, tables, swings, and large rock wall. There were three groups of two and one group of three. The groups of two had two exercises to perform and the group of three had three exercises to perform at each station. P1 performed exercise one while P2 performed exercise two and P3 performed exercise three. All exercises were performed for 2×15 reps with the exception of Balls to the Wall and People’s Chair (held until other partner(s) completed their 15 reps). The stations and exercises are listed below.

    Pull-up Station: Pull-ups/Hanging Knee Raises/(Hanging Bicycles)
    Table: Bulgarian Split Squats/Box Jump/(Irkins)
    Swings: Dirkins/In & Out Abs/(Underdogs)
    Rock Wall: Donkey Kicks/People’s Chair/(Balls to the Wall)

Count-a-Rama: 9

Name-a-Rama: Welcome Open House’s other 2.0 Zen!


    Praise for breath to live another day to selflessly serve Him to honor and glorify Him
    Prayers for Dr. Seuss’s healing
    Ps 133:1 over the country
    Prayer for protection and wisdom over our days
    Forgotten request for Zena’s F-I-L and M-I-L for healing and comfort.

HIM’s and 2.0’s it was my duty, honor, and pleasure to deliver an effective beatdown to help you all accelerate in your first F’s. If there is anyway I can serve you, please reach out. Until next time… Dios Te Bendiga, Hermanos!

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