Conditions: mid-70s, damp, 100% humidity
8 PAX joined YHC to celebrate my 55th birthday. F3 is a gift that keeps on giving so YHC thought it would be good to share by doing a 55-themed workout.
Mosey to the side parking lot for Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Sun Gods, Abe Vigoda, Good Mornings, Side Squats, Best Stretch Ever, Mountain Climbers, Calf Stretch
The Thang:
- Motivators 10 to 1 (55 total)
- Apple Turnover modified X3: in the side parking lot travel 3 parking spaces by one mode of travel; switch to next mode for 3 spaces and repeat all the way around center parking (18 total spaces): 1st round: Bear Crawl/Crab Walk; 2nd round: Lunge/Broad Jump; 3rd round: Duck Walk/Frog Hop. 54 total spaces; proceed to another parking space and do 55 Imperial Walkers (IC)
- Elevens: 10 Burpees, run to end of parking lot, 1 LBC; ladder to 1 Burpee and 10 LBC (55 total each)
- BTTW for 55 count
I had another routine but we ran out of time. Also, the rain held off perfectly until we got under the pavilion.
Mary – Dealer’s Choice (5 reps each): J-Lo, Peter Parker, Dying Cockroach, 6 Inches, Superman, Australian Snow Angels, Box Cutters, American Hammers
COT: Continued prayers for Josh (Mr. Brady’s cousin) and his loss, prayers/praise for X-Man’s new daughter, praise for Mani’s lyrics/song being used for a commercial for a TV series (way to go!!). Thanks for F3 and the brotherhood that encourages us to be better men in various areas of our lives.