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Beaker’s Acid Test

Real feel 10 degrees and snow all over the AO.  Last night at the 3rd F event (Playing the Man) Beaker mentioned that he feels most manly when he is outdoors working.  Case in point this past Saturday after an F3 workout he was out clearing some brush for most of the day and that was more intense than the F3 workouts lately.  YHC went to work to right the situation with an immediate challenge to create a workout that would surpass Beaker’s intensity requirements.

Disclosure – not much to say here.  We are two men only and in our years of experience we know we are liable for our stupidity.

Warmarama – sungods, ssh, abe vogoda, grass pickers, mountain climbers, monkey humpers, high knees, butt kicks, lunges, slap your knee hillbillies.

The Thang

A – ALARM (Arms, Legs, Abs, and exercises that start with letter R and M) – 10 reps of an assortment of exercises in succession.  We did a THREE alarmer with exercises such as Carolina Dry Docks, Squats, LBC’s, Ranger Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Monkey Humpers, Racoon Crawls, Run, Mega Decline Merkins, Dips, Balls to the Wall (60 seconds), and Power Jumps.

C – CLIMB – A successive climb of reps in each exercise; except we keep the same exercises in each order. Crab Cakes, Lunges, Iron Cross, Merkins, Burpees.  Round 1 reps = 1,2,3,4,5, Round 2 reps = 2,4,6,8,10, Round 3 reps 3,6,9,12,15.  We envisioned going to 5 rounds on the climb, but were pretty spent on round 3.

I – In case  you need a rest RUN.  We took a 5 minute mosey out in the snow to the top of the park entrance.  Getting our steps in for the day; while mumble chatter over the great discussion and reflection from last night’s Playing The Man study at Flame’s house.

D – Deconstructed Burpees – say what.  Turns out it was 6:18am.

CoRama = 2

NoRama = no FNG’s


Giving thanks for the Godly men in our lives.  We prayed we would be the spark and encouragement to other men to live out Godly values in a contagious, passionate, encouraging, and reckless way.


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