What’s object of baseball: get HOME. One of the key objectives of our Christian faith is to get to our ETERNAL HOME!
Mosey to flagpole (1st base)
Warm-up in: head rotations, arm circles, trunk rotations, squats, calf-raises
Mosey to 2nd base:
9 innings in a ML baseball game? index cards with
1st inning: God: “You must not have any other god but me”.-Exodus 20:3
2nd inning: Spouse: This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.-Genesis 2:24 Exercise=side plank(s)
3rd inning: 3 headed dragon: doubt apathy lust (via Play the Man)
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure-1 Corinthians 10:13
Exercise= 3 count American Hammer for each PAX
4th inning: 4 bases in baseball & in F3 there are 4 quadrants of preparedness man’s life:
1) Get right 2) Live right 3) Lead right 4) Leave right
Exercise: 4 X 4’s: Start with arms raised in a standing position, burpee into plank followed by four Merkins followed by four mountain climbers with each leg. “One” is completed when returning to the standing position with arms raised. Wash, rinse, repeat.
5th inning: 5th virtue of Manhood: True Grit (Play the Man): Fill the earth & subdue it-Genesis 1:28
Exercise: Merkins: 5 count each man
6th inning: 6th virtue of Manhood: Clear Vision (PtM) : Your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams-Acts 2:17
Exercise: squats: 6 count each PAX
7th inning stretch: a pause knowing the end is in sight (maybe?)
Exercise: Crabcakes: 7 for each PAX
8 men out: Black Sox Scandal: Integrity
Exercise: Carolina Dry Docks 8 total (recovery)
9th inning: 9 in a baseball game: what inning of your life are you in?
Exercise: burpees (9 total)
Mosey back to play-set: partners: 9 pull-ups & 9 ‘swing rows’
Mosey to porch (3rd base): ‘dealer’s choice’ Mary.
Mosey back to virtual shovel flag (home base) . . . Count-a-rama & CoT with several prayer requests.
minimal running but I believe we all got a worthwhile workout in good fellowship! Next time: MORE CARDIO!