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02/18/2023 - Bee Hive - Workout Rewind – Pax of Six working on Sevens

I had no ideas, so I visited the archives and found this oldy but goodie!

Crisp morning around 25 degrees. Slight breeze, shovel flag looked great! Just 2 of us started but we had all 6 by the end. The core principles and disclaimer were given, and we got to work.

Warmup: Neck roles, trunk roles, Huggy bears, bat wings, shoulder taps, imperial walkers, mountain climbers and motivators to 5. All reps of 10-15.

The Thang: 4 exercises per stop done in increasing multiples of 7 with Indian runs in between stops.

Stop 1 Pavillion – 7 burpees, 14 step ups, 21 merkins and 28 squats.

Stop 2 The Stage – 7 burpees, 14 American hammers, 21 Carolina dry docks and 28 lunges.

Stop 3 The Dumpster (coupon station) – 7 burpees, 14 clean & press, 21 bent rows and 28 curls for the girls.

Stop 4 The Dugout – 7 burpees, 14 squat to calf raises, 21 derkins and 28 dips.

Headed back to the shovel flag and still had a little time. We added 2 rounds of 30 sec on sec 0ff coupon squats, merkins up to blocks (hands come off the ground and up to blocks) and hop overs.

Full round of Mary. COR/NOR and COT. Most made it over to East Penn Dinner for coffee and q-source.

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