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11/08/2022 - Grill - Who turned out the lights?

Four PAX posted for our first evening workout.  With the time change it gets dark quickly after 5:00.

Warm-a-rama: mosey up the street for SSH, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, BSE, Calf Stretch, Plank Jacks

The Thang

Mosey to the bottom of Franklin Street

Mosey to the small pavilion

Mosey to the pavilion by the bandstand

Elevens: 1 Dip: 10 Step Ups (IC) to 10 Dips: 1 Step Up (IC)

Lt. Dan: 1 Squat: 2 Lunge Walking steps; ladder up to 10 Squats: 20 Lunge Walking steps

Mosey back to the pavilion

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Crab Cakes (Picasso finally mastered them!!), In/Outs, Box Cutters, 6 Inches, Big Boy Sit ups, Peter Parkers, Cobra Stretch, American Hammers, LBCs, Inclined Merkins, Reverse Box Cutters

COT: prayers for Beaker’s M, Picasso’s father



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