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05/21/2024 - Swamp - Warmup for the Murph

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Warn up:
Arm circles 10 front 10 back oyo,
Merkins 5 ic, toe touch stretch center, left and right, grass pickers 10 ic,  slow squat 5 ic, merkins 5 ic, lbcs 10 ic, plank jacks 10 ic, 5 merkins ic… mosey round the circle to the playground
The Thang:
5 pulls or 30 sec hang,  5 under Dawgs
8 pulls or 30 sec hang,  8 under Dawgs
10 pulls or 30 sec hang,  10 under Dawgs
Mosey around circle to pavilion
10 dips,  10 step ups, 10 squats
20 dips,  20 step ups, 20 squats
10 slow dips,  20 step ups,  20 slow squats
Mosey around the circle to straightaway
10 merk, 10 Crab cakes ic,  bear crawl,  15 merkins, 15 crab cakes ic
Lunge walk,  15 merk, 15 Crab cakes, backward lunge walk.
Mosey,  run, sprint back
Mosey to the flag pole
Mosey to the shovel flag

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