Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

02/07/2023 - Grill - Two Gross

YHC wasn’t feeling it and almost wishing no one would post so I could skip the workout (yeah we’ve all been there).  The beauty of F3 was realized when 3 other PAX drove in to the parking lot and I was now committed.  I’m thankful for these brothers who keep me accountable.  As a bonus, it was great to see Woz back at the Grill after a long hiatus during the entire hunting season.

Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley” for Arm Circles, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Side Lunges, Merkins, Plank Jacks, BSE, Calf Stretch

Mosey back to the parking area

The Thang — The Gross (12 exercises x 12 reps each for a total of 144 reps or “one Gross”)

First set:

Mosey around to the playground

Second Set where we were briefly joined by a couple of teenagers:

Partner up for Assisted Pull ups (AMRAP)

Mosey back around to the parking area

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — LBCs, Bird Dogs, Freddie Mercury, Heels to Heaven

COT: prayers for Pocahontas’s in-laws, Woz’s mother-in-law, and PAX who are out of town

Three PAX went to the Westy following the workout for some good fellowship.

Turned out to be a very good evening; sure beat moping at home reinforcing my perceived low energy level.

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