Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

06/28/2023 - Steel Town - Three Amigos.

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Warm-o-rama: Raise the roof, Neck rolls OYO, Trunk rolls OYO, Overhead claps x 10, Lunges IC x 10, Merkins IC x 10, Squats SC x 20, Peter Parkers IC x 10, Abe Vigodas IC x 10.

The Thang: “Let ‘er Rip.”  Coupon exercises + Abs, all IC x 10.

Squats + American Hammers.

Press + LBCs.

Bent-over Row + Box-cutters.

Dead Lift + BBSU.

Curls + Flutter Kicks.

Clean and Press + Planks.

Aiken Legs: 20 squats; Forward lunges IC x 20; Step Ups IC x 20

Back to the coupons:

Squats + American Hammers.

Press + LBCs.

Bent-over Row + Box-cutters.



Prayers in particular for Rick “Jack Knife” Swartley and his family, and for the father of “Eager Beaver.”


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