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08/30/2022 - Grill - “They don’t look like it but they give you a run for your money”

The sky was darkening as the PAX (Beaker, Pork Chop, and Potsie) gathered for our afternoon workout.  Just before our start time the sky opened up with a much needed downpour.  Myra arrived just as it started and got soaked just from running from his car to the pavilion.  Once we started our warm-a-rama, Ringworm also drove in and got similarly drenched.  It was great to see him back at the Grill after being hit with recent illness.  The PAX continued to drip in with Pocahontas arriving after we started the Thang.

Warm-a-rama: under the pavilion — Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Side Lunges, Grass Pickers

We were rather cramped in the pavilion and the rain was blowing in so we made a dash to the bandstand.

The Thang

First ALARM:

Second ALARM:

Lazy Dora — partner up for cumulative reps

At this point I shared an EH encounter from this past Sunday.  A young man wanted more information about F3.  He had heard from a recent FNG about our group and was very intrigued.  However, we received a back-handed compliment.  I am paraphrasing but the gist was something like this: “He said they may not look like it but they really gave me a run for my money at the workout”.  What?!?  “may not look like it!!!??”  Geez, a few weeks ago we had some young girls try to recruit us for a film they were making that needed some “old men” and now this??  Well at least we delivered where it counts and gave this young “in-shape” FNG a good beatdown.  I may be exaggerating just a tad but at the next workout with this unidentified FNG I will be sure to give him a good thumping!

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — American Hammers (again), Peter Parkers, Freddie Mercury, V-ups, Big Boy Sit ups, Superman, Box Cutters, Leg Raises

COT: Prayers for Potsie’s business succession plan, prayers for Myra’s M and Pork Chop’s 2.0 with their pregnancies and fast approaching due date

It was a drenching rain but in good F3 fashion we continued our workout despite the weather and all got a good beatdown.  Lazy Doras are anything but lazy.  I think they are tougher than a normal Dora.  We enjoyed good camaraderie throughout the workout.

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