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06/09/2022 - Trojan - The Rocky Balboa Beatdown

Core principles and disclaimer stated and agreed upon.




The Thang:

The Training Montage:

We had 10 stations with 10 different moves. Each station was numbered and had its exercise labeled on a drill cone. Each PAX started at a different cone. PAX would perform the station’s exercise for 50 seconds and then take 10 seconds to rotate to the next station. Each exercise is from (or inspired by) Rocky I-Rocky Balboa. The 10 stations are listed below.

  1. Jog around a small area of parking lot while holding a brick in each hand and throwing jabs with bricks.
  2. Clapping merkins (modify with normal merkin)
  3. LBCs
  4. Rocky Balboas
  5. Overhead press w/ coupon
  6. Jump Rope (fast pace)
  7. Sit-up punch (a full sit-up with two jabs at the top of the sit-up)
  8. Rocky basketball push-up (we didn’t use a basketball, but the idea is after the push-up you push yourself in the air like a clapping push up, but your left hand lands where your right hand was and your right hand is even further to the right than it was before. You do another push-up and you push yourself back into the air and return to the starting position. Refer to the Rocky Balboa movie training montage for more clarity. Modify with slow merkins)
  9. Weighted squats w/ coupon
  10. 5 bear crawls forward and 5 bear crawls backwards repeated for the duration of the 50 seconds.

The Exhibition Fight:

After the training comes the fight! The PAX stood in a circle in the parking lot. PAX performed 10 moves, each one for 60 seconds. At the conclusion of each move, the Q briefly explained the next move and then all PAX performed the move for 60 seconds. The moves are all inspired by boxing and are listed below.

  1. Jab, Jab, Sprawl. (Left). For this move and the next five, you start with either your left foot forward or your right foot forward in a boxing stance (depending on if the instructions say left or right). Then, you jab with one hand and then the other. This should be performed quickly. This is a full body move so when you’re throwing punches the hips and lower body should be moving as well. The first jab should always come from the arm that matches whichever foot is the most forward (left or right). The second jab then comes from the other arm. After both jabs, go down into a sprawl (which is essentially jumping down into a high plank quickly and then back on your feet. You do NOT perform a merkin here. Just simply move from standing to plank to standing.)
  2. Jab, Jab, Sprawl. (Right)
  3. Hook, Hook, Sprawl. (Left)
  4. Hook, Hook, Sprawl. (Right)
  5. Uppercut, Uppercut, Sprawl. (Left)
  6. Uppercut, Uppercut, Sprawl. (Right)
  7. Merkin Punches. Perform a merkin and every time you get to the top of plank jab with either the right or left hand. Jab with the opposite hand each time you get to the top of the plank.
  8. Vertical jumping double jab squats. Squat and then jump up vertically in the air but move horizontally from right to left or left to right. While in the air throw two jabs. You should be jumping from right to left and then from left to right. Continue for 60 seconds.
  9. Four jab, leg cross. Standing still with a wide leg stance. Throw 4 forward jabs (right, left, right, left). Then cross your right leg behind your left and your left leg in front of your right in a jumping motion and quickly uncross them to return to wide leg stance in a jumping motion. Repeat, but each time cross your legs the opposite way (I.E., the second time you should cross your left leg behind your right and your right leg in front of your left and quickly uncross to wide stance).
  10. High knee Jog in place with jabs. Jog in place with high knees and continuously throw jabs (right, left, right, left, right, left, etc.)


Round of Mary: Imperial walkers, toy soldiers, box cutters, 10 merkins OYO, Al Gore tree huggers (each PAX counted down from 10), 5 motivators, Overhead triceps stretch

Ending in COT

Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama

Announcements, Prayers

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