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09/06/2022 - Grill - The 4 Corners of The Grill (sorta)

For once there was actually a heavy rain as the first Pax began arriving. We gathered under a small pavilion with other members of the community. We decided to dash across the park in the rain to another pavilion to start the beat down.

Warm-a-rama: Abe Vigoda, side lunges w/ toe touch, toy soldiers, grass pickers, plank, calf stretch, Best stretch ever.

The Thang: the rain let up but didn’t stop. We were able to mosey down the street and back.

Corner 1 (under the pavilion): 25 LBCs cadence, 20 Squats cadence, 15 Merkins, mosey up the stairs and out the street and back.

Corner 2 (under the pavilion): 15 WW2s, 20 Forward Lunges cadence, 15 Derkins, mosey down the street and back

Corner 3: 10 Pull ups, 10 Underdogs, 20 Step ups, mosey to the basketball court

Basketball court: NUR (one lap around the courts), Side shuffle (around one of the courts), One Suicide sprint, Mosey back to the pavilion

Corner 4: 6 inches, 7 Motivators, 15 Shoulder taps cadence, Mosey back to the original pavilion for a round of Mary to complete a damp, sweaty beatdown!

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