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10/28/2023 - Grill - Slay the Dragon

Beautiful autumn morning; perhaps the last mild morning of the year so we took advantage of it.

Warm-a-rama: mosey down the street and circle up for Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Cobra, Calf Stretch, BSE, Plank Jacks

Mosey to the bandstand

To grow in manhood we must learn to conquer our own souls.  Every man must fight 3 different tendencies – the dragon of doubt, of apathy, and of lust.

 The Thang:

Potsie shared a Q point from the 4th quadrant — Leave Right

Mosey to playground

Make way back to bandstand: 

  Dragon of Lust is selfish desire for sex, power, fame, or fortune; fight with sacrificial love

Mary: Dealer’s Choice: each PAX calls out exercise for the rest of PAX to perform why he runs a lap around the bandstand

Final Thought from C.S. Lewis “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”

COT: prayers for PAX dealing with aging parents; prayers for Israel

Announcements: Potsie introduced F3 Fires — a 3rd F event; more information to follow

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