Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

03/12/2022 - Ranch - Safe Space for Men, Lehigh Valley, PA

Safe space for men to share and support each other in Lehigh Valley, PA

One of the ways a man can combat work-related stress, marriage pressures and life challenges is to workout together. That’s what F3 is all about- making men better physically and mentally so they can better serve their family and community. We also have small groups called Shield Locks where we meet for a beer and talk about our challenges. Here’s the workout we had today.

Warm up- jog, high knees, butt kickers. boxing trot, repeat
Imperial walkers, Toy soldiers, Casey Kasum, Grass pickers
Mosey around the park with flag
Pick up blocks and mosey to hill
We start at the bottom of the hill and did a different exercise up the hill. Once a man reaches the top, he does air squats until the six arrives-
squat jumps/pushups
Bear crawl/shoulder taps
It started raining so we took our blocks and went to the pavilion for cover:
Side lunges with blocks/dips
Squats at the end of a bench for extra extension/Merkins
Squates at the end of bench with a shoulder press
Curls with block
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