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03/29/2022 - Swamp - Read Food Labels to Stay Healthy

Healthy foods that are actually unhealthy and how to spot them
Warm up- jog in place, high knees, butt kickers, Abe Vigodas, Imperial Walkers, boxing trot, Grass pickers
The Thang-
Large food companies like Nestle, Pepsi, Cargill put profits before people. They will often market their products as being healthy, but if you read the nutrition labels and ingredients, they are often unhealthy.
1- Wheat bread-
enriched flour- Not natural, causes inflammation. Continued ingestion of this can cause obesity, diabetes, etc.
Stick to breads that do not contain Enriched flour. Whole wheat for example.
Plank jacks to work it off
2- Frozen dinners-
500mg Sodium and 4g sugar-
4 burpees and mosey
3- Cheerios- Added chemicals for longer shelf life- increase profits-
30 Mountain climbers
4- Pre-packaged salad-
22g Fat
Bear crawls, wheelbarrows
5- Fat free cheese-
No fat, but loses taste. Fat makes cheese taste good- ingredients added for taste. Also has cellulose
30 WWIs
Buy organic, shop local, farmer’s markets.
Pull ups, V-ups
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