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07/05/2022 - Grill - Rainy Afternoon

Despite (or maybe because of) the rain, 6 PAX posted to the Grill for a soggy, humid, and sweaty workout.  Pocahontas came straight from work and made a quick change in the park restrooms (preparedness!).  Myra was originally planning to attend a volleyball small group event but his plans changed and he showed up.  Ditto decided he better post since he won’t be available for the next two weeks.  And Pork Chop and Potsie posted as normal!  Not a bad showing despite missing some of our other regulars…Klinger let us know his work got in the way of this workout but where were Woz, Oreo, Picasso, Star Burger, and others?

The rain slowed down at the start of the workout so we moseyed up the street to “Death Valley”.  Started with Arm Circles but by the time we started Trunk Rolls the rain was coming down more steady.  We did a fast mosey to the pavilion by the playground.

Continuation of warm-a-rama: Abe Vigoda, Imperial Walkers, Cobra/Downward Dog, Calf Stretch.

The Thang:

24 reps each:

20 reps each:

16 reps each:

Morning Call — two groups of three PAX: one PAX did 5 pull ups while the other two held plank; three sets

Mosey to the band stand

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Freddie Mercury, Box Cutters, American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, and something else that escapes my memory.

COT: praise that Ditto’s granddaughter is currently home from the hospital; prayers for the overdue arrival of Pork Chop’s grandchild; prayers for Beaker’s son and family travel back to Michigan; prayers for our fellow PAX members.

Good times at the Grill.

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