Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

08/02/2022 - Grill - Pyramids

It was a warm one!  Temps in the upper 80s.  It was fairly comfortable in the shade but the sun was hot!

Once Myra arrived, we kicked off the workout.

Warm-a-rama: mosey up the trail along the river and start a rather lazy set of exercises with a lot of mumble chatter — arm circles, trunk rolls, abe vigoda, toy soldiers, side lunges, BSE, plank jacks

Mosey back to the shovel flag

The Thang — Pyramids

Set 1 (once we found a suitable spot for Ditto; he didn’t like the tree roots or maybe he was just stalling)

Mosey to the playground which was not at all shaded.  The sun was rather brutal!

Set 2:

Same routine but with 1 Pull up, 2 Carolina Dry Docks, 3 Squats up to 5 Pull ups, 10 Dry Docks, 15 Squats and back down to 1, 2, and 3

We split into two teams to share the pull up bars.  Myra and Ditto were not moving very quickly and Potsie and Beaker finished two rounds ahead of them and found some scanty shade to wait for them to finish.

Mosey back to the shovel flag

Set 3:

Same routine with 1 Groiner, 2 Lunges (IC), and 3 Flutter Kicks (IC) up to 5, 10, and 15.  We came back down to 4 Groiners, 8 Lunges, and 12 Flutter Kicks and where out of time.  Myra had a hard stop at 6:00 so he could get his pup to obedience school.

COT: prayers for Ditto’s daughter who is due today!; prayers for Picasso who will be leaving on a mission trip to Kentucky; prayers for residents of Kentucky with the recent floods

Ditto, Potsie and Beaker enjoyed fellowship at the Westy following the workout.

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