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09/26/2023 - Swamp - Put it all together

Disclaimer given- all accepted, except for Deuce, lol!
We had one man show up late.
Jog in place, high knees, buttkickers, boxing trot. Repeat!
Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Peter Parkers, Hillbillies, Mountain climbers, Toy soldiers
Broga- Casey Kasems into swan dive. Repeat!
Mosey around circle to playground
Alternating Merkins
Merkin jacks
Carolina dry docks
pike docks
Find a bench for shoulder taps (in cadence) and then touch the bench with alternating hands for 10 reps.
10 penalty burpees
Close grip pull ups


Double squats
reverse lunge
put it all together- double squats, lunge, reverse lunge
Commando grip pull ups- grab the bar with hands close together and do a pull up on each side of the bar.
In and outs (Mike tyson)
hang for 30 secs
Wide grip pull ups
Find a bench for two Merkins and then touch the bench with alternating hands for 10 reps.
Mosey around circle back to parking lot.
6mom and cool down stretch.
Prayer requests/Praises
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