Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

11/01/2022 - Grill - Push Pull Squat

An unseasonably mild day — great for an afternoon workout in the park!

Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley” for Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, Hillbillies, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers

Motivators 7 to 1

The Thang — focus on Push Pull and Squat exercises

Mosey to the first small pavilion

Mosey to the Playground

Mosey to the shovel flag

Mosey around the tennis court to the hill by the soccer field

Mosey back to the shovel flag

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — American Hammers, Freddie Mercury, Calf raises, WWI, Leg/Hip stretches

COT: prayers for work pressures, Beaker’s mother-in-law

5 PAX went to the Westy following the workout for fellowship and food.

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