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10/19/2023 - Trojan - Pumpkin patch pain and gain

Warm up,lap around small loop,mosey to BB Court,2 rounds of Blimps,15 reps each corner,alternating modes of transportation between corners between bear crawl and jog.Next mosey up the hill  to first pumpkin,10 overhead presses with coupons,10 hand release merkins.Misey further up the hill to second pumpkin,10 lbcs, 10 V ups.Mosey back to first pumpkin for round 2,15 squats with blocks,15 overhead claps.Mosey to second pumpkin…. cut short due to time, dropped 3rd round.Finished with Mary and COT.Told some Halloween jokes and facts along the way.Thx gents, always an honor to lead,LH

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