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05/31/2022 - Swamp - Post-Murph Stretching Workout

COVID Lockdown Men’s Workout Lehigh Valley, PA

Warmup- jog in place, side straddle hops, box trot, butt kickers, high knees, Imperial Walkers, Monkey humpers, stretch.

The guys seemed tired and sore from Monday’s Murph beatdown, We did side straddle hops and everyone said their muscles hurt from the jumping motion, so I scrapped the workout I planned for a stretch-based workout.

Mosey to playground. Broga-

Cobra, downward dog- repeat three times

Cat, cow, – repeat three times.

In downward dog position- toe touches

Supermans, half supermans

Mosey to swings. Each guy grabs a swing and with feet planted extend the seat portion away as far as possible, extending the torso. 10 reps.

Mosey to grass for Legs Fantastic:

1st round, jump from first marker to second marker. The amount of jumps it takes to get to the second marker determines the amount of burpees to be done. Once done, return to first marker and repeat the process.

2nd round: Imperial Walkers to 2nd marker – air squats at end and back.

3rd round: Imperial Walkers to 2nd marker- Lunge twists and back





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