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06/26/2023 - Steel Town - Post Convergence Gifts

As title suggests, plesentaries & giftings from Keystone Convergence last weekend.

Warmerama included: Casey Kassams, small and large arm circles, Goofy Goofballs (with smile and spin), Alabama crunches, Down to Peter Parker’s, Fire Hydrants, Monkey Hoopers, Toy Solders, wrapped up with Cherry picking.

The Thang!

Q kept confusing Burpees and Merkins…, Pax were on record wishing it was really merkins… The impressive orange cone promised much color for this morning…

10 Burpees OYO, crabwalk to cone at the center and back to pax owned personal station, Plank for the 6

20 BB Seat-ups, straight count pre-rain…

10 Burpees w/plank jark OYO, Bear crawl or crabwalk to and from the center, plank for the 6

10 Merkins – Plank Jacks – Back of shoulder taps – combined set OYO, Duck walk to center and back

10 Count Ea. pax, in anticlockwise direction Lunges around the circle. Was modified by some to include reverse Lunges, and side lunges; walk-it-out to center & back

10 Modified Burpees w/ Plank Jack, & Squat OYO, Crabbies to the center & back home…, Plank for 6

10 count Ea. pax, in clockwise direction Squats, Duck Walk to center and back …popular…

10 Modified Arm release Burpees w/ Plank Jack, & Squats, transport choice to cone and back to favorite station

Ready for Mary: 10 Crab cakes (nice protein desert), 20 in & Outs, 15 Slow… flutter kicks, 10 called bicycles by Eager Beaver, and closed by Biscuit with 10 opposite limbs off the ground balancing acts!

Awesome COT. Much gratitude to the pax for showing up, and making it possible to accelerate in the rain. Cheers!



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