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03/02/2024 - Grill - Pork Chop Wants to Go for a Run

It was a light but steady rain but that didn’t dampen the turnout of the PAX at the Grill.

Warm-a-rama in the bandstand: Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Imperial Walkers, Side Lunges, Toy Soldiers, Cobra, Peter Parkers, BSE

Motivators 7 to 1

The Thang

Plank Destroyers:

Tabata: 20 second exercise/10 second rest; continue 8 cycles for 4 minutes each exercise:

Leg Workout:

Burpee Clock Dealer’s Choice: in turn each PAX called an exercise for the rest of PAX to do while he knocked out 5 Burpees

Modes of Travel Dealer’s Choice: in turn each PAX called a mode of travel across the bandstand and back, except for Pork Chop who wanted to go for run despite the rain so he led us on a mosey down the river trail and back around on Park Ave.  Other bandstand travel included:

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — various ab exercises as well as BTTW which Ringworm did for the most part without the wall (nice work)

COT: F3 Fire on Monday evening; The Grill 6-year Manniversary Saturday, March 30th; TBC Men’s breakfast April 20th; Several PAX prayer requests

We dried out at Four Twelve for Coffeeteria


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