Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

05/28/2022 - Bee Hive - Pain with a little Rain

Warm, humid and a little rainy 6 Pax gathered at the BeeHive to kick off the weekend!

F3 Welcome and disclaimer was given and accepted by all.

Warmup: AV IC, GP IC, IW IC, Batwings IC and motivators to 5. Mosey to pavilion.

The Thang: 2 sets of ladders. First was Burpees and Squats. Then Merkins and Curls using coupon.

Once the group was done, we moved on the Stations of Pain. 8 stations, most with coupons and suggested reps. Shoulder Press 20, Bent Rows 20, Kettle Bell Swings 20, Dips 30, Ab Pistons 50, Shoulder Taps 40, Toe touch Balance 10 per side and Merkin 21s (7 reps close, 7 normal and 7 wide). Each Pax completed one round of the stations.

Finished with a round of Iso exercises. The group held position while each Pax counted out 10. Planks, six inches, wall sits and Balls to the Walls.

Mary, COR, NOR and COT.

Capone spotted Lucky Punk with a friend and got them to join the group. We named the friend Brickster. We don’t have any info on him so we will need to contact Lucky Punk somehow to fill out the FNG stuff.

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