Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

02/10/2024 - Bee Hive - Old Stuff, New Stuff, and Frisbee!

Conditions:   Dry, Clear, and Cool (low 40’s)

Pre-Ruck:  5 for the 3.2 ruck.  Got back with extra time, extra speedy pace!

Disclaimer: Agreed upon by all

Warm-Up:  Huggie Bears (10 IC), Overhead Claps (10IC), Overhead Press (10 IC), and Moroccan Nightclubs (10 IC)
Stretch down to right ankle, down to middle, down to left ankle
Jog from one side of parking lot to the other, Nur back
High Knees from one side of parking lot to the other side, Toy Soldiers back.
Karaoke from one side of parking lot to the other side, Karaoke back.

Circle back up:   SSH (20 IC),  Monkey Humpers (10 IC), Abe Vigotas (10 IC), Mountain Climbers (10 IC), Merkins (10 SC), WGS,
On Six:   Stretch to touch toes, Wife Pleasers (10 IC)

The Thang:  Mosey to Pavilion by the bridge
4 Exercises 2 sets :   Calf Raises (weighted by the picnic tables)  (20 IC)

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