Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

07/26/2022 - Grill - Old Men and a Serial Killer

Despite some PAX being away on vacation and others nursing injuries or recovering from illness, 5 PAX posted for an afternoon workout.  The temperature was pleasantly in the upper 70s.

As we waited for all the PAX to arrive we were approached by a group of adolescent girls who tried to recruit us for a film they were planning.  They needed “an old man and a serial killer”.  Not the profile I hoped we invoked.  I can see the “old man” profile as 3 of us are in the “respect” category for F3 and after all, “old” to an adolescent girl can be anyone over 25!  I guess they thought Myra or Picasso looked like a potential serial killer.  We told them to get in touch with our agents but that we were pretty booked at the moment.  Afternoons in the park definitely have a different vibe as we share the park with a lot of different people in the community.  It is good.

Warm-a-rama: mosey up the street to “Death Valley”; Circle Arms and Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Abe Vigoda, Rotating Planks

Mosey down the river trail to a small pavilion

The Thang — Super 21: 1 Merkin: 1 Ab exercise rep up to 21 Merkins: 21 Ab exercise for a total of 231 Merkins and 231 Ab reps!

Set 1 to 5: Diamond Merkins and Tucks (hang from pavilion rafter and pull knees up to chest)

Mosey further down the trail

Set 6 to 11: Staggered Merkins and American Hammers

Mosey to the baseball dugouts where we passed the budding film directors

Set 12 to 15: Merkins and Flutter kicks sit ups

Mosey to the playground pavilion

Set 16 and 17: Derkins and In/Outs

Recovery break to do 10 Reverse Lunges IC

Set 18 and 19: Merkins and Big Boy sit ups

Mosey back to the pavilion by the parking lot

Set 20 and 21: Irkins and Freddie Mercuries

We had a few minutes to spare so we did a few more exercises including Imperial Walkers and Six Inches

COT: prayers for Picasso’s step sister as she has begun treatment for cancer, prayers for Ditto’s daughter who is due to deliver her second child any day.  Continued prayers for Woz, Oreo, and Klinger who are recovering from illness or injuries.

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