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01/28/2023 - Trojan - Nickels & Dimes

It was a great and challenging workout at the Trojan.  The weather wasn’t too bad compared to the mess the day before.  The men showed up in drips but were ready to pour the rain of pain once the arrived.


The Thang – Nickels & Dimes

4 Coupon Stations, Straight Count

  1. Man makers (cinder blocks-2), 5, SC
    1. or Burpee’s 10, SC
  2. Kettlebell Swings, 15, SC
    1. or Jumping Squats, 10, SC
  3. Squat Curl Press, 10, SC
    1. or Carolina Dry Docks, 20, SC
  4. Ball Slam, 10, SC
    1. Squats with calf raise, 20, SC

Mode of Transportation

  1. Bear Crawl
  2. Walking Lunges
  3. Crab walk
  4. Skip jumps

Group Workouts, In Cadence

  1. Table hikes or Step Ups, 5 or 15 per side, IC
  2. Staggered Merkins (right hand forward) 10, IC
  3. Parker Peters, 10, IC
  4. Heals to Heaven, 10, IC
  5. Around the world lunges, 5 per side, IC
  6. Staggered Merkins (left hand forward) 10, IC
  7. Crab Cakes, 10, IC
  8. V ups, 10, IC
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