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12/31/2022 - Grill - New Year’s Eve Monopoly

It feels great to get back in the routine of posting to the Grill.  Five PAX posted for the last workout of the year.  The weather was foggy and damp but with mild temps; heck, Sheldon showed up in shorts and a T-shirt.  Teardrop was unable to get The Rock out of bed, maybe because he spent the previous night sleeping outdoors in a hammock…that kid is tough.

Warm-a-rama: mosey to the end of the street for Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers, BSE, Calf Stretch

Mosey back to the bandstand

The Thang — Monopoly

Rules of the game: roll one die and travel to the station to complete the prescribed exercises; if you roll a six, go directly to jail; do not pass Go.  If you do pass go, you get one point.


We continued this game until 8:00.

Sheldon was determined to beat Myra but was one point short.  His New Year’s resolution is to beat Myra next time we play this game.

Beaker must be more judicious with his use of grammar; Teardrop mistook the instructions for Not so Free Parking and completed all of the listed exercises

Myra got 8 points, Sheldon and Teardrop got 7, Pork Chop got 6, and Beaker only got 5 (half way through he had zero)

All of us did plenty of time in jail but I think I spent the most time there.  I’ll need to continue to tweak the rules around jail time for the next time we play monopoly.

Fun was had by all.

COT: prayers for Potsie who is recovering from the stomach bug, prayers for Klinger’s dad who is in hospice

3 PAX made it to Four Twelve for coffeeteria

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